Born in Laflin, Professor Billy Angelo Stella (or as he had became known, "Professor Angelo") began playing music as a teenager. When he was just 16 years old, Angelo was injured hopping a freight train near Yatesville.
From the age of 16 to 21, he suffered from his injuries. During this time, Angelo turned to music, taking up the violin and learning to play it as well as the most expert of professional musicians at that time.
For more than 50 years, Professor Angelo taught thousands of students at his various locations in the Pittston area. Many of his students went on to professional musical careers.
Professor Angelo always believed that "even just taking music lessons keeps the mind of a youngster alert as he uses his head and reflexes to learn the intricacies of music. It is a great mind developer."
This mindset was instilled in his eight children who all learned to play musical instruments, while several went on to part-time or full-time musical careers.
Professor Billy Angelo Stella in his store on Main Street, Pittston, PA
Professor Billy Angelo Stella and his Students
Newspaper article on Professor Angelo winning a new vehicle in a raffle
Newspaper article in the Sunday Dispatch
August, 1963
Professor Billy Angelo Stella
May 10, 1970
With his family -- Left to Right: Matthew, Gregory, Anthony, Bill, Angelo, Wife Elizabeth, Professor Billy Angelo, Betty, Delores, and Rosie